
Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) does more than keep the lights on around Indianapolis. The power company is known for their nonprofit and community service initiatives. The Felege Hiywot Center along with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIP) are excited about IPL's Project GreenSpace program. About Project GreenSpace KIB, IPL...

On December 13t4Hh, the Felege Hiywot Center hosted the 4H Tech Wizards and their families. It was great to have everyone at the center during the holiday season. The 4Hers made and decorated cookies. They also made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies in a jar to...

Our summer Youth Farm/STEM gardening camp is going strong and just completed third week of camp. We thank our Board Members Chris Rothenberger, Director of Environmental Heath at Major Tool and Machine, Nicole Oglesby, Director, Diverse Community Partnership IUPUI Division of Continuing Studies and Dareskedar Henry CEO and founder...