Students in the Youth Farm Initiative work side by side cultivating crops, growing friendships, and developing life skills. Through this program, FHC teaches high school students the importance of Service, Leadership, Teamwork, and Knowledge. The Youth Farm Initiative is youth-led and provides experiential learning opportunities, implementation of real-world life and business principles, service to the community, and an outlet for local agriculture.
Our urban farm program is all about learning and having fun. Through the program, children gain the knowledge and skills of growing sustainable food. We combine language arts, math, science, and social studies with horticulture lessons.
With hands on agriculture and business activity, we apply inquiry-based science curriculum to re-enforce state standards.
The urban farm creates a work environment full of learning opportunities and allows students to market and sell the produce they grow.
The farm visually demonstrates innovative and environmentally sustainable uses of current and future vacant urban spaces
The farm generates fresh, sustainably produced food for neighborhoods with health issues and heightened food insecurity.