
What We Do At Felege Hiywot Center Has A Lasting Impact

Our main Indianapolis youth program has always and will always be urban farming. Through our farm, we’re teaching all youth of Indianapolis how seeds grow into plants, how to care for the garden, how to be environmentally responsible, and how to prepare, eat and share the produce. But, these lessons extend well beyond the farm and shape the way the kids embrace their roles in the community. The Indinapolis youth programs at Felege Hiywot are designed to keep students involved in the community long after they graduate high school. They come back as mentors, tutors, and farm leaders because they want to continue the mission of FHC.

Featured Programs

Rise Intiative

FHC’s Rise is an initiative that elevates youths’ preparation for and access to high-skill professions.

Youth Farming Initiative

Through our Youth Farm Initiative, high school students are learning real-world life and business principles, serving the community, and growing sustainable crops.

Immigrant Community Program

GA2G with Immigration Support & Resource Program

 We’re on a mission to help all youth of Indianapolis better understand the cultural differences they face every day. Through this program, we encourage youth to be proud of their histories and heritage. 

Orphans Of Sebeta

We appreciate your interest in supporting orphans at Sebeta Getesemani orphanage. Currently we are not individually supporting orphans or accepting orphan sponsorship. Project based needs will be posited in the future for you to participate in and support. 

Other Felege Hiywot Center Programs

Field Trip Experience

Our Field Trip Experience program is an Indianapolis summer camp like no other. During this summer camp, Indianapolis youth will experience all sorts of great lessons. We’ll conduct experiments, talk about how actions impact the community, and learn how science, technology, engineering, and math all come together.

4-H Club

Learn technology and expand your world by signing up for our free program. Before you know it, your kids will be tech wizards. We focus on video production, junk drawer robotics, and a variety of science, math, and tech-oriented activities. The 4-H Club program is open to all students in 3rd through 8th grade. Want to attend? Contact us for more information!

Want to sign up for or attend one of our programs? Check out our Events page!