10 Mar Urban Farm Powered by IPL
Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) does more than keep the lights on around Indianapolis. The power company is known for their nonprofit and community service initiatives. The Felege Hiywot Center along with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIP) are excited about IPL’s Project GreenSpace program.
About Project GreenSpace
KIB, IPL and the City of Indianapolis have helped neighborhoods, schools, churches, and community-based organizations in their efforts to create public spaces. Project GreenSpace focuses on helping these organizations transform vacant lots and underused spaces into natural, beautiful, and functional parks and greenspaces.
Felege Hiywot Center’s Unity Park
Unity Park is a teaching garden where native plants and community garden beds serve as a gathering and education space. Together with KIB, FHC turned an underutilized, vacant lot into a city park that is now a thriving garden and native ecosystem. The park and urban farm was developed with three main goals in mind:
- Serve as a teaching center
- Be a gathering space for community celebrations
- Reclaim the space for native plants and wildlife
The Park Today
Today, the parks is a thriving and vibrant part of the community. While members of the community can enjoy the space, the focus is still on the urban farm. FHC uses the urban farm through our Farm Initiative to teach youth about gardening, business, and life. It’s our goal to create youth-lead farms throughout the city that teach the important of sustainability and environmental preservation.