23 Jun Meet Our Youth Farm Leaders!
Here at Felege Hiywot Center our youth farm program is an integral expression of our mission. Our youth farm leaders are Indianapolis high-schoolers who have completed one or more years as a farm worker in our youth farm program. We are proud of these teens and their commitment to organic farming, community service and youth development.
Hello my name is Tay’sha Pulliam, and I am 18 years old. I’m a Junior at Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School. I’m currently employed at Felege Hiywot Center (urban garden) as a youth leader. I’ve been here since I was a fourth-grader, as a tag along with my big brother Duane Pulliam, a former youth leader. I’ve pretty much watched the organization grow to what it is now. Ever since I was a little girl I always knew I wanted to help people. Being here at the center helps me carry out that dream. Sometimes it gets tough as a youth leader with the training and all but it’s all worth it in the long run. I like growing fresh produce, helping out the community and helping those in need. My favorite produce to grow is lettuce and collard greens. The feeling you get when your produce you planted comes up is priceless. It’s all a great experience, especially the friendships and bonds that are made.
Hi! My name is Quentin Latimore. I am 29 years old. I was born in Indianapolis on November 14, 1986. I went to a lot of schools in my lifetime, and I got done with high school on May 26, 2006. I joined the Felege Hiywot Center in June 2010. I love coming to the center. It is fun to be here, and I love the youth farm workers. I love looking at WWE and NFL football and NBA. I love Miss Aster, and Nick and Ms. Yodit are nice.
I am Jaryn Satterfield, also known as ThaBeAtMaKr, and I was born on September 8, 1998. I grew up on the east side of Indianapolis in an area known as Brightwood. I attend Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School. I am the CEO of label JPF (Just People Finishing) Productions, and I have produced for artists such as Elwin Williams (Darealwordsound) of California, Nate Grady (VER$VTILE), B.Oatts and Patrick Jones of Indianapolis and KBK, a kids rap group. My dad gave
a push financially by investing in my craft when he realized I will never stop pursuing music, hence the the candle that never burns out on my label’s logo. I also work at the Felege Hiywot Center. I got involved with the Center when my 8th grade principal, who is also a musician, suggested I apply. As it was my first job I was nervous going into the interview since my communication skills were terrible. After my first Summer working here, I got the most improved award because I learned to communicate better. At the center we have an orchard and we grow vegetables on the farm site. I enjoy shoveling compost when it doesn’t stink. My favorite produce is melon. After working for the first summer I left and came back in 2016 to work with a completely new group. The things I like the most about FHC are the connections and the people I meet because everybody in the city is connected.
Hi, my name is Marcus Osborn. I am a seventeen-year-old Junior, and I attend Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School. I love to spend my free time playing basketball and spending times with my brothers. I came to the Felege Hiywot Center (FHC) to network and make a difference in my community. My favorite thing to grow at FHC is the sweet potatoes, because it is fun to dig them out the ground. My favorite thing to eat from the farm is mulberries. In the near future, I plan on attending IU to earn a business degree. After this I plan on starting a clothing line and a cartoon with my brothers.
My name is Michael and I am a 16-year-old young man that goes to Lawrence North High School. My experience at
the Felege Hiywot Center has been monumental in keeping me off the street and keeping a positive attitude. Being here has taught me valuable skills as I begin my journey into adulthood. My favorite part about being at FHC is learning how to manage a garden. Although I want to study psychology and neuroscience, this allows me to explore the career field of botany and biology. My favorite plant to grow are collard greens because it’s a popular favorite of the community, and very delicious. Overall being here is very beneficial going forward. FHC will always support where you go and who you want to be in life. It is definitely an opportunity I am very thankful for.
Hi, I’m Terrence Trotter. I am 16 years old. I am a senior at Warren Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. I came to the FHC to escape the harsh realities of my hood. I enjoy working at the center. I especially enjoy the bonds I have made since I’ve been here. My favorite vegetable is between broccoli and tomatoes. Sometimes, the work is hard but I still manage to get it done with teamwork and strategic efforts. Also, I enjoy public speaking for the center.
My name is Naomi Davis, and I am fourteen years old. I am a freshman at Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School. At the Felege Hiywot
Center, my favorite produce that I grow are apples, raspberries, and spinach. I love the way it tastes! I attended the 8th grade STEM summer camp then went into the youth farm program the following summer. At the center, I enjoy planting, transplanting, and harvesting. I want to attend an HBCU once I graduate high school, but I am undecided in what I want to major in.
Hello, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Jamake Elkins. I’m a junior at Arsenal Tech’s Star Academy in Indianapolis, Indiana, and I am employed at Felege Hiywot Center, an urban farm focused on youth development and leadership. I’m very proud of what I do here at the center and bask in the opportunities it provides me such as our trip to boston to participate in The Food Project’s winter institute. This was an experience beyond captivating I might add. Through Felege I’ve met many new people and established new relationships that I value greatly. One can’t help but feel proud of things they do, and for me one of those things would be the entire process of growing produce. It makes me feel connected with our great planet here, and motivates me to advocate for the bettering of it. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite thing we plant here, for there are just too many options to choose from. I’m very glad that I found out about Felege and would recommend it to many. I plan attending purdue university for wildlife biology, and I believe that Felege is a step in the right direction to helping me get there.
Hey I’m Von E. Cantrell. I am a farm leader at FHC. I’m in the ninth grade, and I attend LC High School. I’ve been with FHC for three years now, and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. I think that if you’re young and want a voice this is the place for you! My favorite produce at FHC is the corn!!!
Hi! I’m Kayla Lewis. I’m a senior at Crispus Attucks High School. My favorite plant is the collard greens. I have been working with Felege Hiywot Center for two years. I love to go shopping at Zumiez. My favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan. During my spare time I either play softball or catch up on sleep.