05 Aug Mayor Hogsett visits Felege Hiywot Center to Kick Off New Initiative
Mayor Hogsett Hosts For For Indy Kids Initiative Kick off at FHC
We are so honored to have Mayor Hogsett and his team visit our garden to kick off the Fork For Indy Kids Initiative which includes partners: Felege Hiywot Center, Indy Parks and Chef for Hire, Inc.
Posted by Felege Hiywot Center on Saturday, August 4, 2018
Did you know that Indy Parks food programs provide hundreds of thousands of meals each year to youth in Marion County and more than one million meals during the SummerServings meal program? Well there is a new initiative called Farm to Fork that will provide fresh fruits and veggies in the meals for the youth.
We are so honored to have Mayor Hogsett and his team visit our garden to kick off the Fork For Indy Kids Initiative which includes partners: Felege Hiywot Center, Indy Parks and Chef for Hire, Inc.
Monty G Degenhardt of Chef for Hire, Inc. passionately shared the vision of having fresh fruits and veggies included in meals served to Indianapolis youth.
The program will now include locally grown and harvested produce from our garden, shipped to Chef for Hire, Inc. and distributed to the programs’ serving sites around the city.
Some of the first crops harvested included our cherry tomatoes grown with our hydroponics system were included in the meals that the kids at the Garfield Park summer day camp. Two of our farm leaders Terrance and Naomi spoke with Mayor Hogsett to explain how the tomatoes are grown.
Please check out our partners!
Chef for Hire at chefforhire.com and Indy Parks at indy.gov.