Join Us October 21, 2022 For A Garden Party!

together, we grow

Felege Hiywot  Center cultivates community growth by tending the youth.

together, we learn

Through carefully and thoughtfully designed programs, we’re learning how to make our world a better place for the future.

Gardening Education Indianapolis

Stewardship Farming

Urban Sustainability Indianapolis

Environmental Preservation

Community Service Indianapolis

Community Service

STEM Education Indianapolis

STEM Education

Ethiopian Heritage Indianapolis

Ethiopian Heritage

Indianapolis Faith Based Nonprofit

Support For Orphans

our mission in christ

Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my Brethren; you did it to me.

Matthew 25:40

See how we’re impacting the future of agriculture

Check out our FHC book written with collaboration of Purdue University ASEC graduate students



FHC will continue to serve the youth of Indianapolis by offering STEAM educational experiences through a youth employment program designed to teach “real-world” life and business principles as well as community service.



One of the Felege Hiywot Center’s main focuses is on the youth in our neighborhood. Through programs like urban farming, we’re able to teach youth the skills they need to be citizens of the world who embrace environmental preservation.



 Through FHC, the youth of Indianapolis learn compassion. Our programs help develop the leaders of tomorrow. Our goal and hope is that the youth we serve go out into the world with a servant’s heart.

special thanks

Felege Hiywot Center would like to say thank you to PNC Bank for making this site possible.

meet our ongoing supporters

With ongoing support from these amazing community leaders, Felege Hiywot Center continues to provide for the youth of Indianapolis.

want to get involved at the Felege Hiywot Center?

We have great opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference!